The best way to get started with Relenta CRM is to jump right in. The easy-to-use and intuitive interface is similar to many web-based e-mail programs, so that you will start to feel familiar in the Relenta CRM environment right away. Beyond just jumping in, however, consider the following tips when you are just getting started:
1) Have a plan on paper before you get started with Relenta CRM.
One of the best ways to make Relenta Customer Relationship Management truly effective for your business is to have goals, a business plan, and clear outcomes in place for your Relenta CRM system. Before you start using your new system, make sure that you have a clear idea of who your team players are, what each team player is responsible for, your goals and aims for the next five and 10 years, your short-term goals for the next year, and your business plan overall. All of this will affect how you use Relenta CRM. For example, if part of your mission statement is to provide exemplary customer service, you will want to create a department in Relenta CRM that is aimed at promoting customer service. You may even want to have one of your team members devote all or some of their time just to making sure that customers feel appreciated.
2) Set up your Relenta CRM departments.
In Relenta CRM, information is organized by departments, so that it is easy to use. Each department has its unique e-mail account, calendar, files, and contact. As an administrator, you can assign each of your team players to one or more departments. For example, you can assign all your team members to the customer service department, and three of your copywriters to the marketing department. You can also have a financing department, a sales department, and so forth. You probably already have a list of departments or roles in place that can easily translate into Relenta CRM departments. You can also use the Relenta CRM to create entirely new departments. For example, you can create “outstanding invoices” or “lead generating” departments. To create a new department, just click on the “dashboard” tab and then on the “add new Department” button.
3) Import your contacts into Relenta CRM.
You can easily do this for many application, including Outlook. Simply click on the contacts tab in Relenta CRM and click on the “Import” button to import your contacts, including your partners and your clients.
4) Get your team members on to Relenta CRM.
You can do this quite simply by going to the “user management” tab and clicking the “add new user” button. You can also edit current users and team members using the system, and indicate which departments each user will have access to. This helps ensure, for example, that if you are outsourcing your copywriting needs, your new copywriter can access your marketing department in order to do their job but not your financial department.
5) Get your team members and yourself using Relenta CRM all the time.
Relenta CRM will work best if you use it regularly and use it to for all your business needs. For example, rather than using a separate e-mail management software or a separate e-mail marketing system, it is best if you do your e-mailing, newsletter sending, and customer relations all from within Relenta CRM. That way, all your customer history, marketing information, e-mail history, and so forth will be in the system for you to access when you need to. Using the system regularly will help you get better at using Relenta CRM and will make you more effective as a business as well.
Don’t forget that Relenta CRM has a handy chat feature. Although Relenta CRM is very intuitive to use and ready to use right out of the gate, if you do run into any trouble, just click on the live chat feature and ask a question. There is always someone standing by to help you use the system more effectively.