Walk into any office supply store, head for the software section and pick up the three most expensive programs you see. Read the back of each package – you will likely notice that the program manufacturers try to sell you the program based on the many features each software offers. You probably own or use some of the software yourself – how many of the features do you actually use? If you’re like most users, only a tiny percentage. You may not even be aware that some of the features exist, much less how to use them.
CRM Features
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology can have a myriad of features that make many tasks automatic. Some CRM vendors carry on quite a bit about the many features involved, claiming that more features mean better value. This is not always the case. Not only are many feature-rich CRM programs far more expensive, but in many cases, they can actually be far less effective. Just consider:
1) The more features, the more learning is involved.
Feature-rich CRM programs often require manuals that feature hundreds of pages. Do you really want to read hundreds of pages of tech speak just to find out how to open your new program? Do you really want to spend thousands of dollars paying a consultant to teach your team how to use the new program? For many businesses, the best bet is a powerful but toned-down system such as Relenta CRM, which contains all the features you need but still is simple enough to be learned on an as-you-go basis.
2) The more features, the more time is involved.
If you have a very feature-rich CRM system, your team could spend countless hours trying to retrieve data or trying to figure out how to send a file to another team member. If an unhappy customer is left waiting because of a too-complex system or if precious work time is wasted trying to baby the new CRM program, that new program can be a efficiency nightmare. For most small to medium businesses, a simple program such as Relenta CRM actually saves time while allowing team members to be more productive.
3) The more features, the more things can go wrong.
If one feature of a program goes down, other features are often affected. In a bog, complex program, many things can go wrong, and each disaster can spell chaos for the rest of the system. A pared-down system such as Relenta CRM still offers enough features but is not so complex that things get scrambled. Plus, since Relenta CRM is stored on servers outside your company computers, even if your servers and computer network crashes, you can easily slip into an internet cafe or another office and still be able to provide exemplary service and support for your customers — Relenta CRM won’t be affected one bit by whatever is happening on your company computers.