In the business world today, calendars are very important. Most business leaders and employees carry around daily planners or other calendar systems for keeping tabs of appointments, to do lists, and other work. Relenta CRM eliminates the need for daily planners by providing a comprehensive calendar manager and task system. The calendar in Relenta CRM is designed to create a comprehensive way of scheduling tasks and meetings.
Scheduling with Relenta CRM
The administrator in your Relenta CRM account can see everyone’s calendars and tasks. This means that when the administrator is trying to assign projects, tasks, and meetings, he or she can see at a glance the schedules of everyone in order to ensure that no one is idle or overworked. However, to maintain privacy, individual users can only see their own calendars. This means that users can focus on completing their own tasks, without being distracted by personal information on other users’ calendar.
When using calendars, you can simply inform users about tasks, deadlines, meetings, and other events that need to be entered on to their calendar. Users can then schedule these events onto their own calendars and glance at the calendars daily to keep up-to-date about what is occurring and what needs to be handled. Users simply click on the “calendar” tab and then on the “add new event” button in order to add the details of a new event. All the events are listed at the bottom of the page, along with a designation of their status. This quickly allows users and administrators to see which tasks are overdue, and which tasks have already been handled. This can make prioritizing and scheduling very simple.
Calendars and contacts in Relenta CRM
In Relenta CRM, all calendar tasks are associated with a contact. For example, if a user needs to follow up with a lead, that calendar task will be directly linked to the contact. This allows the user to quickly access the lead’s past contact with the company, and the e-mail history and contact information is just the click of a button away from the calendar. Rather than hunting for contact information, looking up customer history, and so forth, users can see at a glance the priority of a task, as well as all the pertinent information they need in order take next action on the project.
Two calendar types with Relenta CRM
Users also have the option of looking at a department calendar or contact calendar. A department or shared calendar shows all the tasks necessary for all the contacts in a specific department. This allows a team member involved with a particular department to see all the next actions as well as all the tasks and projects that need to be completed within a specific department. A contact calendar, on the other hand, shows tasks associated with a specific contact. This allows users to quickly locate next actions, tasks, and scheduled appointments with a specific client.