Many vendors selling Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs try to convince their clients that CRM is all about a software system. This is not the case. CRM is, above all, a philosophy. Businesses trying to formulate a CRM plan would do well to come up with a CRM plan before buying CRM software. Companies may find that specific CRM programs fit a specific CRM philosophy best.
Developing a CRM plan
Developing a CRM philosophy for your business should begin with your team. With your group, go over the overall aims and goals of your business as a whole. Then, ask yourself:
1) How do we need to treat customers in order to grow our business the way we hope to grow?
2) What should team members do – step by step – when a customer calls in with a compliment?
3) What should team members do – step by step – when a customer calls in with a complaint?
4) What should team members do – step by step – when a customer calls in with questions?
5) How often and how should we follow up with clients who has not placed an order in two months? In three months? In a year?
6) What is the step by step process for dealing with a customer order?
7) What are your specific plans for customer emails and newsletters? What will be included? How often will they be sent?
8) What are your specific plans for customer appreciation programs?
9) What are your plans for attracting customers?
10) What is your specific plan for turning leads into customers?
11) What are your goals for customers in the next quarter, in the next year, in the next five years and in the next ten years? Do you want to take your company global or public? By when? Do you want to have a specific number of customers or orders? By when?
12) Define every team member in your organization – what role does each team member play in relation to the customers? What is each team member’s responsibility in dealing with customers.
Having a clear, written goal is essential. Your written CRM plan is your backbone for dealing with customers effectively.
Relenta CRM and Your CRM Philosophy
While having a solid CRM philosophy clearly defined is the backbone of your system, having a computer program or paper-based way of implementing your CRM plan is essential. Some CRM programs can even make implementing your plan much easier. For example, Relenta CRM allows your team members to track customer responses and team member emails and allows them to schedule tasks. Some tasks are automated in Relenta CRM – such as the sending of canned responses and the sending of newsletters. This allows your team to focus on providing the best customer service possible.