How much should you pay for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology? The question is one that many small businesses dread answering. Even the most cursory look at CRM software shows that most programs have different features. CRM software can seem like snowflakes – no two the same. Many programs have complicated features that are unpronounceable while others have lists of high-tech features that no one but a true computer nerd could figure out. Should you spend more for CRM features?
The Problems With Extra Features
Have you ever tried typing in a number at the start of a line in a feature-rich word processor? The computer program will often try to create a numbered list for you, because numbered lists are one of the many features of the software. The trouble is, if you don’t happen to want a numbered list, you have to go back and try to override the feature. The problem with feature-rich programs is that they will sometimes automate things that you want to do manually. Your business will grow, and as it does, you may want to automate different things and add new elements to your business – but will your CRM system grow with you? You want a flexible program that lets you do what you like with your business. A good system such as Relenta CRM allows you to add new projects, new customers, new email accounts, and new team members easily and intuitively, so that your business can grow organically and with minimal hassle.
When extra features pay off
Of course, not all experts agree. Some argue that vendors add lots of features because not everyone uses the same features in a program. You may not need to use automated numbered lists, but another customer may rely just on that feature. Plus, you may not need a feature now, but at some point it might come in handy, especially as your business grows. As you learn to use your CRM program you may welcome new features that allow you to use your system in new ways. Most vendors therefore walk a fine line when it comes to software development. They sacrifice some features for ease of use, but try to keep enough features to keep everyone happy. The developers of Relenta CRM certainly did research to find out which systems most businesses used and came up with the most flexible and customizable features possible.
How Relenta CRM balances features and functionality
Relenta CRM has balanced usability and features by including plenty of features that can be customized and balancing that with a simple-to-use and very intuitive design that allows plenty of flexibility. Any team member familiar with email can use the most basic functions of Relenta CRM. Those with more computer savvy can go deeper to explore some of the more involved features. The simple design is based in part on the email inbox, a model everyone is familiar with. The dashboard gives users a sense of the whole system at a glance. This way, each team member can use the features that are most intuitive while still having enough wiggle room to avoid the features that they are not quite ready for.